1. manyma2

    I would like to thank you for sharing your knowledge with this post today I help a lot and it worked properly.
    But if you can correct some information that in my installation here gave errors follows:

    After downloading with the command below permission to the file in order to execute the file.
    «wget https://dl.eff.org/certbot-auto»

    Permission: chmod a+x certbot-auto

    This command is wrong with «standalone»
    ./certbot-auto certonly –standalone -d >your FQDN hereyour FQDN here<

    In item 5 after openssl this "pksc12"

    Correct would be "pkcs12"

    In item 8 I is incorrect «./certbot-auto renew -dry-run»
    Correct would be "./certbot-auto renew -dry-run"

    The "-" sign before the dry was wrong

    Here works perfectly PLEX with CentOS 7.5

    Once again thank you for your time and dedication, before finding this post your search went a long way until you find a simple and functional step by step.

    Thank you

    PS. Sorry, I'm from Brazil and I'm using Google translator.

    • martinbn

      Thank you for the comments. I’ve updated the post with some formatting changes, and fixed the spelling error on «pkcs12».

      I’m glad that you found this guide useful.

  2. manyma2

    This command is wrong with «standalone»
    ./certbot-auto certonly –standalone -d >your FQDN hereyour FQDN here<

    The "-" sign before the standalone was wrong

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